Category Archives: RHOBH

#RHOBH Lisa Rinna Is Not Vindicated (yet)


Bravo TV/NBC Universal


I do not know what has gotten into Eileen Davidson these days. She seems to have a one track mind to make Lisa Vanderpump look like this bad guy and wants to believe any claims that make Vanderpump look bad. Eileen acts like she and Lisa Rinna are vindicated for exposing Vanderpump for the evil manipulative person that she is. Newsflash, Eileen: Rinna is NOT vindicated! Vanderpump has yet to be caught in a lie in regards to the “m” word or any other conflict with Rinna!

Now I am not saying that Rinna is lying intentionally nor that Vanderpump is the innocent victim (but I do admit that this blog may come across that way). Ultimately, the truth is still up in the air and Eileen should not simply believe Rinna because Rinna is throwing Eileen’s nemesis, Vanderpump, under the bus.

Now, I will not deny that Vanderpump has been accused of being manipulative by others in the past. Like Rinna has said in her March 29, 2016 Bravo blog, “We have seen it all played out here for six years, and if I were LVP, I think I would take a look at myself and ask why are all of these women [are] saying this about me?”. Now, have this not been a Hollywood reality show with one star being more popular than the rest and I have had the opportunity to be a fly on the wall to watch all of this organically, I would 100% be with Rinna on this one. Now, I do not completely disagree with Rinna, but I am left questioning motives. And it is not like everyone is saying Vanderpump is manipulative; she still has friends, and former and current co-stars who will denounce this and praise her integrity.

Now back to the main point of this blog regarding Rinna not being vindicated (like Vanderpump). I will pick apart the claims and evidence that Rinna has against Vanderpump.

  • Kyle backs Rinna’s claim that Vanderpump threw Kyle under the bus: while in Dubai, Rinna tells Eileen and then Kyle that after bringing up the “m” word, Vanderpump goes to Rinna (possibly off camera) to ask her why she would not “bring Kyle into this”. Vanderpump denies Rinna’s claim and says that she actually says to Rinna “I thought you were going to bring ALL OF US into this, especially Kyle”. Kyle says to Rinna that she “knows” about Rinna’s talk with Vanderpump despite not being an actual witness to that conversation and adds that Vanderpump has come to her after talking to Rinna and says “I thought Rinna was going to throw you [Kyle] into it” as if she is relieved though Kyle believes Vanderpump has been sneaky in that moment. Eileen acts as if Vanderpump has been caught in a lie?!

    How is Vanderpump caught?! First of all, Rinna is the only witness to that conversation to make that claim; the other witness, being Vanderpump, is saying that the conversation did not happen that way. Second of all, just because Eileen and Kyle have been on the property on that day, that does not mean that they have witnessed the conversation. It sounds like they both want to believe that Rinna is saying the truth because it satisfies their belief that Vanderpump is sneaky. Third of all, what Kyle claims to have witness echoes what Vanderpump claims to have told Rinna, which is a reason why some of my twitter buddies are wondering if Rinna may have misheard Vanderpump. If you pay close attention to Rinna’s history, she does not always remember things exactly how it’s said so she ends up giving a subjective interpretation (I should write a blog about that).

  • Rinna has phone records to prove that Vanderpump has indeed called her about Munchausen : In the first reunion episode of the season, and in and earlier episode and blogs, Rinna says that Vanderpump has called her to encourage her to bring up Munchhausen. Vanderpump denies such phone conversation saying that she rarely calls Rinna but does acknowledges that she has spoke to Rinna “4 or 5 times” on the phone. Rinna pulls out her phone records “proving” that there are 10 phone calls. We have to wait and see how this will unfold but, at the moment, the nature of those calls are unknown (made, received, answered, voicemail, how long, etc.). The piece of paper also would not go into detail of the context of those calls so they could have been talking about anything. And most importantly, Vanderpump does not say she “never” calls Rinna but rather “rarely”, but Rinna is putting words in Vanderpump’s mouth which helps her own argument.
  • More phone talk; Rinna says Vanderpump has lied in Malibu about “never” calling Rinna: Some of my twitter buddies have brought this up so I have recently transcribed this scene (from season 6, episode 16). In this scene, you see that Vanderpump is denying calling and texting Rinna in wake of Yolanda Hadid calling Rinna “bipolar”, but she does acknowledge speaking to Rinna on the phone earlier in the day. Rinna insists, in her talking head, that Vanderpump has in fact called her in regards to “bipolar”. Vanderpump asks, “When have I spoken to you on the phone?”, and Rinna does not come with an answer.

    In her April 12, 2016 Bravo blog, Rinna makes reference to that scene, denying Vanderpump’s claims of “never” speaking to her on the phone. Instead of talking about the phone calls where Vanderpump talks about bipolar, she talks about phone calls about Munchausen? Rinna writes, “While we were at dinner in Malibu at the Malibu Farm, the night Kyle invited all of us to Dubai, LVP said she had never spoken to me on the phone, and I can say without a doubt that she has indeed called me…many times! Let’s break that down a bit. In one phone bill cycle, I spoke to LVP on the phone 10 times and within a specific 24-hour period, she called me five times to infer that others knew I had brought up the “M” word and further hinted that, in her opinion, I should, sooner or later, admit this.”. Okay, it looks like Rinna has gotten herself confused, as has the audience. The phone calls here definitely fall in line with the calls mentioned in the previous point, and Vanderpump’s claim of only calling “4 or 5 times” makes more sense. As for Vanderpump denying to have called and text Rinna about Yolanda using the “bipolar” label, she has yet to be proven a liar on that note.

  • There goes our f*cking story line: Going back to that scene in the season’s first reunion epsidoe, you would notice that Rinna claims that when the cast have been discussing Yolanda’s make-up free face at Rinna’s birthday dinner, Rinna’s husband, Harry Hamlin, supposedly tells the other that they should support Yolanda “whether she’s sick or not” (Harry has since said that he may have been misquoted), which would get Vanderpump to say “There goes our f*cking story line!”  I do not know how long the cameras may have been rolling, but if it is said on camera, I would expect the footage to be used, or at least a flashback footage during the reunion episodes to back Rinna’s recollection (we must watch and see, but I doubt it will happen).  Whether it has happened on or off camera, Kyle’s reaction strikes out to me; I am not a body language expert but, to me, Kyle appears shocked as if she is wondering how the hell Vanderpump would manage to insert that comment.  I also want to give a shout out to Chay Eday for pointing out that after Harry arrives to Rinna’s birthday dinner, he ends up sitting in between the Lisa’s, so if Vanderpump has said it, it would not have just been Rinna who would hear it, and it is not like Kyle seems to remember Vanderpump saying it.
  • Eileen is NOT a witness: I feel like Eileen expects the audience to take her and Rinna’s word for it when throwing Vanderpump under the bus. As far as the audience is concerned, Eileen has not been there for the alleged “Munchausen” and “Bipolar” phone calls (unless she has yet to claim witness).  As far as the audience is concerned, Eileen has not been there when Vanderpump has supposedly told Rinna “You should bring Kyle into this” (yes, Eileen was at the property on the day of, but unless Eileen comes forward saying that she has been eavesdropping that conversation or has a secret recording of it, she cannot give herself too much credibility on this). It’s alright if she simply believes that Rinna is telling the truth and feels that Rinna has good evidence (that I would beg to differ) but she needs to acknowledge that the truth is still up in the air. Like my title says, Rinna is not vindicated, yet (at this rate, she may never be vindicated, but you never know).


I have said this before and I will say this again, I do not believe that Rinna is lying intentionally.  As Rinna continues to share more evidence, to me, it is looking more like her conflict with Vanderpump has started from a misunderstanding and subjective persuasion from Eileen.  Those two obviously have their issues with Vanderpump, and I understand confiding in each other over outside conflict; it probably would have been better if Eileen would not have gotten so overly involved in Rinna’s issue with Vanderpump and have just stuck to her own issue with Vanderpump.  If anything, I think Eileen has done more damage to Rinna than help in regards to Rinna’s relationship with Vanderpump.  Now, I should not get carried away and give Eileen too much credit for the demise of the Lisa’s. At the end of the day, it is Rinna’s choice to turn against her long time friend regardless of the advice of another close friend.  I also do not want Rinna to flip and blame Eileen for ending her friendship.  As we see, Rinna’s story line is that she is being “manipulated” by Vanderpump which is a convenient way to distance oneself from ownership.


I hope these ladies come to a positive resolution. They do not have to be friends but if they can at least stop trashing each other publicly, that would be a huge step up.



Chronology Of The “M” Word, According to Lisa Rinna, Lisa Vanderpump, & Kyle Richards

(EDIT 4/8/2016: I do stand by what I write, but I must be responsible to whoever reads this.  As you read this blog do remember that I am not somebody who is “close to the situation”. I do not know the following people personally so DO NOT take me as a reliable source! I am simply a fan with an active imagination!)


Comedian and “Bravolebrity” impersonator Amy Phillips puts it best in her tweet, “I’m gonna need to rewatch this [episode] a few times…Tweet me the Cliff Notes” in regards to the March 29, 2016 episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. The allegations that have been put out by Lisa Rinna, Lisa Vanderpump, and Kyle Richards are confusing to comprehend, especially when they are being used in a dinner time argument. What would come clear to me after the first time watching this episode is that Rinna is calling Vanderpump a liar and Rinna also feels that what Kyle is saying backs what Rinna is saying but for some reason Kyle does not want to betray her best friend (too late!).  It is also obvious that Eileen Davidson and Erika “Jayne” Girardi want to believe that Rinna is telling the truth because it goes along with their anti-Vanderpump campaign.


I hope #TeamVanderpump doesn’t kill me for saying this because Vanderpump still remains my favourite on this show, but I don’t think Rinna is lying.  Actually, I don’t think neither Rinna, Vanderpump, nor Kyle are lying…intentionally, that is.  In her March 29, 2016 Bravo blog, Eileen gives Kathryn Edwards slack, saying, “Kathryn said she believed Lisa V.’s “truth” and Lisa R.’s “truth.” She’s getting truths confused with opinions! There is always one real truth.”  Sorry to upset you, Eileen, but both Kathryn’s and your “truths” make sense. What Kathryn was likely saying is that Rinna and Vanderpump have different recollection of what went down (maybe one misheard the other?) so they are just being honest to what they remember. Of course, Eileen is right as well; the “one real truth” would be what has actually occurred that can only be expressed from an objective view (I should add that this season, Eileen has lost her ability to be objective).


To give myself a better understanding of this conflict, I have decided to take notes about this “M” word mess (for those who do not know, the “m” word refers to “Munchausen” or “Housen Mousen” if you’re Yolanda Hadid). These notes are based on what has been alleged by Rinna, Vanderpump, and Kyle, and what has been aired on the show.  As the season goes on, more developments have surfaced regarding the “m” word, with that infamous scene in season 6, episode 4 being at the centre of it all. By now, there has been a back story and a follow up story in regards to that scene.


It is in our recent memory that in season 6, episode 15, Rinna drops this “bombshell” to Eileen that Vanderpump and Kyle have been questioning Yolanda’s health.  This is not a secret as Vanderpump and Kyle have openly question Yolanda’s health ON CAMERA and they even acknowledge these exchanges that have happened off camera (probably leading into the start of the season).  Despite Rinna saying that Kyle and Vanderpump have previously talked about Yolanda having Munchausen, Kyle does insist that she has not used the “m” word until Rinna brought it up.  Now, lets remember that the three of them, Rinna, Vanderpump, and Kyle, have engaged in conversations about Yolanda in group texts; this probably goes on from sometime before the start of filming until probably right before leaving for Dubai.


Now OFF CAMERA, sometime before late July, 2015, Rinna “engages” in that conversation with her hair dresser. In her March 29, 2016 blog, Rinna explains, “[The hairdresser] said that she has a friend that she believes has Munchausen and has had it for 30 years. In her opinion, she thought Yolanda’s symptoms seemed similar.”  Somehow, Vanderpump and Kyle are made aware of this conversation before they film that infamous “m” word scene,  but to what extent is still unclear (remember, Kyle has yet to hear that “m” word). Rinna says, in her March 8, 2016 blog, “when I brought it to Kyle and [Vanderpump], they were the first ones to bring up the inconsistencies about Yolanda and her illness! [Vanderpump] called me and encouraged me to share the conversation I had with my hairdresser.” Now in her March 15, 2016 appearance on Jenny McCartney’s Dirty, Sexy, Funny, Vanderpump denies pushing Rinna to bring up Munchausen but does admit to telling others, “you talk about things off camera, you say them on camera”.


Now we’re in late July, 2015 on a filming day at Vanderpump’s house. Rinna arrives first, followed by Kyle, and then they chit chat while waiting for Eileen’s arrival. They talk about other things before they start talking about Yolanda that involves Rinna reading the definition of Munchausen. Throughout this scene, Rinna keeps bringing up the idea of doubts in Yolanda and Vanderpump and Kyle try to come up with explainations for Yolanda (her teeth removal improved her health, Lyme Disease is ambiguous, it is the people who do not know Yolanda who are doubting her, etc.).  When Eileen finally arrives, Vanderpump tries to get the others to drop the topic (as far as we’re aware of, Eileen has not been involved with all this prior chit chat, phone calls, and texts about Yolanda’s health, and considering that Rinna has just dropped this huge label on Yolanda, Vanderpump might be doing Eileen a favour by keeping Eileen out of this discussion).


Eileen, however, insists she wants to know what has been talked about prior as she sees Rinna is visibly upset. Rinna does inform Eileen of the conversation that Rinna has engaged in, but in this scene, Rinna does not reveal the “m” word to Eileen nor reveal it is her hairdresser who is using it (she says the conversation has been about questiong and doubting Yolanda). Eileen advises Rinna to tell Yolanda about this conversation “when the time is right”, and Vanderpump advises not to do it at the moment.


After chasing Vanderpump’s miniature ponies, Rinna briefly confides, ON CAMERA, in Kyle, where Kyle tells Rinna “don’t beat yourself up”. Maybe Vanderpump notices this exchange because it would make sense to what supposedly happens next.


Now this likely happens off camera; as Rinna is leaving, Vanderpump chases after her and they have a little exchange.  According to Rinna, Vanderpump says to her, “Why didn’t you bring Kyle into it?”  According to Vanderpump’s March 30, 2016 blog, she actually says to Rinna that she has thought Rinna would pull herself and Kyle into this. Vanderpump also says to remember that Kyle could be in more trouble than herself as Kyle has had more interaction with Rinna about Yolanda through texts (mostly light hearted banter that have occasionally been forwarded to Vanderpump), which explains why the mention of Kyle is significant. Whatever Vanderpump has said to Rinna, Rinna responds to Vanderpump with, “Why would I do that?” (Such a response would make sense to which ever statement Vanderpump has said).


After her likely off camera exchange with Rinna, Vanderpump has another likely off camera exchange with Kyle. In season 6, episode 18, when Kyle is made aware of Rinna’s version of the exchange, Kyle says that Vanderpump has said to her that Vanderpump has thought Rinna would drag into into this mess, as if to sound relieved that it has not been the case. Kyle seems to believe that this is Vanderpump “planting seeds” again so she tells Vanderpump that if Rinna drags her into this, than Vanderpump is “going down in flames” with Kyle.


(Edit 4/8/2016: Again, I am just a fan with an active imagination. The following is PURELY SPECULATION that should not be mistaken as facts!)

Since the last two aforementioned exchanges are the motivation for the conflict in the most recent episode, I will express what I think actually happens. I cannot decide what Vanderpump says to Rinna at the end but I do believe it is with the intention to protect Kyle.  As all three ladies have been talking about Yolanda on and off the show, each one of them cannot be completely sure of all that as been exchanged between the other two. I think Vanderpump knows that, along with herself, that Kyle is not denying that Yolanda has lyme disease but would not know if the “m” word has been tossed around between Kyle & Rinna prior to filming that scene. Vanderpump also feels that Rinna talks to Kyle about Yolanda more than Rinna does with Vanderpump. So Vanderpump is going to Rinna to make sure that Kyle is not being made to look like someone who would believe that this label fits Yolanda.


Maybe Vanderpump has said “Why didn’t you bring Kyle into it?”, “I thought you would bring Kyle into it”, or “You didn’t bring Kyle into it?” with the intention to express relief that her best friend is being spared.  Whatever Vanderpump has said, Rinna may have misinterpreted her intent as if Vanderpump is saying that Rinna is suppose to drag Kyle into it. However Vanderpump may have worded herself, Rinna’s response of “Why would I do that?” is fitting and it has left Vanderpump with reassurance that Kyle is okay.


Now when Vanderpump goes to Kyle to express her relief, saying “I thought Rinna would bring you into this”, maybe it leaves Kyle confused.  Kyle is unaware of to what extent Vanderpump’s exchanges with Rinna have been in regards to Yolanda but may have assume that it would be roughly the same as her own exchanges with Rinna. At this point, Kyle doesn’t see Vanderpump’s point of view of how her own involvement would be more significant that Vanderpump’s so Kyle assumes that Vanderpump is trying to stir the pot, making Kyle looks a little more guilty so Vanderpump could run with her hands clean,  so tells her off for it. I am guessing that Kyle feels that Vanderpump is just as guilty as Kyle (but probably not as guilty as Rinna) so if Kyle gets dragged down with Rinna, then Vanderpump should go down with her.


I can see the dark humour (key word, “dark”) in all of this that this conflict that we are seeing between Rinna and Vanderpump and Kyle has escalated over a possible misunderstanding.  I also sense that Rinna is close minded to the idea that she may have misinterpreted Vanderpump due to Eileen’s influence over her.  I like those three women better as friends than as enemies and I hope that eventually it works out between them.  I will end this blog on a positive note and say something to defend each one of the three:

  1. Rinna HAS NOT and IS NOT saying that Yolanda has Munchausen nor is she denying that Yolanda is sick
  2. Vanderpump IS NOT the manipulator this season; I wish more housewives could follow her lead and give us story lines that focus on them being productive (work, charity, personal improvement, etc.)
  3. (Slightly unrelated, considering what this blog is about) Kyle has the right to feel how she feels in regards to Kim; many of us are fortunate to not have a sibling with addiction issues so it’s not fair to judge


Until next time…